Take a look at some wedding invitation inserts that you won’t want to miss included in your invitations!

Dallas Palms Venue 1 Wedding invitations are usually quite straightforward: a beautifully designed card that invited people to your Big Day. Of course, some of the brides choose to include a response (or RSVP) card too – and if you want to make sure you book the right number of places, this is a great idea. Aside from the wedding invitation proper and aside from the RSVP card, is there something else you should include in the “magic” envelope? Here are some ideas you might want to take into consideration:
  • If you want to have a destination wedding, you should definitely include a map and directions that will help your guests find the ceremony site and the wedding reception venue as well. If you plan on having the ceremony and the reception in separate spots, make sure to include directions on how to reach the venue from the ceremony site.
  • If you plan on having an outdoor wedding, include a card with an address of a “back-up” indoor venue in case it rains. This way, your guests will know where they should come if the weather outside is not very friendly.
  • Admission cards are not usually necessary. However, if you want your ceremony to take place in a very “touristic” place (such as a big cathedral, for example), you might want to tighten the security by attaching admission cards for your guests.
  • Also, you may want to reserve pews for the close friends and relatives as well. In this case, you should include pew cards with the wedding invitations too!
Still searching for the ideal wedding venue? Don’t forget to stop by Dallas Palms Venue before you decide on anything! One of our marvelous ballrooms will surely fit your idea of the “perfect wedding”! To learn more about Dallas Palms, our pricing options and other event details, please schedule an appointment with us by emailing [email protected] or calling 972-416-1416.