Creating the Perfect Wedding Hashtag

It’s the biggest day of your life and you want to share every moment and memory with your family, friends… and the rest of the world. Cue the wedding hashtag trend that has taken over all of our social media feeds! Wedding hashtags originated as an easy method for finding and collecting guests’ photos after the celebrations were over, but lately they’ve taken on a life of their own, functioning as a wedding slogan, forming punny references to the couple and setting the vibe for all the celebratory events to follow. Basically it’s become another major to-do on the sprawling list for wedding prep, so we’ve collected some tips and tricks to help you on your quest for the perfect wedding hashtag! Perfecting the wedding hashtag Let’s start from the very beginning: what’s a hashtag? According to, a hashtag is a word or phrase that is preceded by a hash mark (#), used within a message to identify a keyword or topic of interest and facilitate a search for it. With the infinite number of hashtags that are already used on social media on a daily basis, your mission as a wife- or husband-to-be is to come up with a totally unique hashtag so that your photos and memories aren’t muddled by unrelated posts. It’s a great way to complete your wedding photo album with pictures you wouldn’t have captured otherwise! Perfecting the wedding hashtag 3 Guidelines for Wedding Hashtags:
  1. Try to make your hashtag as unique as possible – something that hasn’t been used before. This way you can avoid getting your posts and photos mixed up with strangers and searching your wedding hashtag in years to come can bring you directly back to those amazing memories!
  2. Your wedding hashtag should be easy to remember. If it’s too long, there’s more opportunity for misspellings or mistakes that could leave you without priceless photos and intimate memories. Playing off of the couple’s last names or new last name is an easy way to make the hashtag personal and memorable for guests.
  3. Encourage your guests to use the hashtag with signs, table decorations, centerpieces or in other creative ways! Seamlessly incorporate your hashtag instructions into your wedding decor so that guests are consistently reminded as they snap the night away.
Perfecting the wedding hashtag Time to Get Creative
  • Make it unique: Do a test search for your hashtag before making a final decision. See how many other posts have used the same combination of words and if it turns out to be a popular choice, try to figure out how to make yours slightly different.
  • Add cute, short wedding-related words like “hitch,” “love” and “weds” or phrases like “happilyever” and “newlyweds”
  • Have fun with it! Play around with puns, make it funny or even a little bit bizarre if that fits your personalities.
  • Get inspired. There are now even hashtag generators to help you on your quest to the perfect wedding hashtag! Here are a couple of sites you can look to for inspiration: Wedding Hashtag Wall,  PastBook, WeddingWire
Go forth and conquer the world of wedding hashtags! To learn more about Dallas Palms, our pricing options and other event details, please schedule an appointment with us by emailing [email protected] or calling 972-416-1416.