Wedding planning is filled with a lot of stress! But here are some top ways to reduce it:

Dallas Palms Venue

Planning a wedding is never an easy task – not even if you plan on having a very small, intimate wedding where you invite only close friends and relatives. By the end of the entire wedding planning process, you will probably feel exhausted (and that is perfectly understandable considering the huge amount of stress you have encountered). How can you lower the impact the wedding planning has on your body and how can you get rid of the stress associated with it? Here are some tips to help you out:

1. Sleep tight.

Remember when your grandma told you about the “beauty sleep”? She may not have known the medical reasons behind this piece of advice, but she definitely knew that it was the best thing to do. Not sleeping will make you feel irritable, will have a huge impact on your brain and on your digestive system and it will increase the level of stress as well. So grab a pillow and sleep your 8 hours a night no matter how many tasks you have to run!

2. Organize your time better.

If you want to be able to do all the things you have to do and if you want to be able to sleep as well, you should start organizing your time better. Say “no” to procrastination, take a sheet of paper and a pen and jot down a very well-thought of plan (and, of course, stick to it). You have no idea how much time you can waste with simple activities such as watching YouTube videos and scrolling down the Facebook homepage so make sure you organize your time better!

3. Visit a spa.

When stress and anxiety reach high levels, the best thing to do is take a break from it all. Visit a spa, get a facial and a massage and pamper yourself. You will feel like a brand new person and you will be able to approach all the wedding planning tasks with a clearer mind! And if spa doesn’t suit you, simply watch a good movie, hang out with your friends, work out or do something you genuinely enjoy because it will surely help.
One of the biggest wedding planning tasks is choosing the right venue. Here at Dallas Palms Venue, we have prepared 3 splendid ballrooms for you to choose from – and each of them will be suitable for a variety of types of weddings so that you don’t have to worry about much else! Come visit us and take a look at our options!
To learn more about Dallas Palms, our pricing options and other event details, please schedule an appointment with us by emailing [email protected] or calling 972-416-1416.